Beyond Basketball Academy


Big Game League Season 3 roared back to life after the midterm break, and the BBA Elite 12U Orange team showcased their excellence with a spectacular 72-47 victory against Wildcats 12U. 

BBA Elite 12U Orange is a powerhouse in BGL’s basketball scene. These young athletes are more than just players; they are dedicated individuals who have committed themselves to the sport.

BBA Elite’s seamless teamwork, precision plays, and strong defense left a lasting impression. The 72-47 scoreline was a testament to their training and dedication.

Beyond the scoreboard, BBA Elite embodies the values of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and a love for basketball. Their victory was a celebration of talent and teamwork.

With this resounding victory, BBA Elite 12U Orange has solidified its position as a team to watch in Big Game League 

Stay tuned for the journey of these rising basketball stars from Beyond Basketball Academy as they continue to shine in Dubai’s basketball landscape.